Friday, 15 August 2014

A little something for you.

Hei. Untuk kalian semua yang udah mau baca postingan gak jelas yang selama ini gue buat. Bener2, makasi banyak.

Gue barusan aja ngebaca beberapa postingan gue sebelum nya. Well, some of them bikin gue ngakak sih. Some of them jg bikin gue sadar kalo selama ini tingkat kedewasaan gue itu rendah banget. Gue sadar akan apapun yang terjadi hari ini, akan ada efeknya dimasa yang akan datang. 

Apapun masalah kehidupan, semua org harus ngejalani nya. Gak cuma gue, dan juga gak cuma elo. 

Kadang kita emang ngerasa capek, ngerasa gak dingertiin, ngerasa terbuang, or maybe ngerasa kesepian. Tapi, coba kita pikir sekali lagi, mungkin dibalik semua penderitaan yang lo kira ada itu, ada banyak banget kebahagian yang gak lo syukuri. Yang lo lupakan begitu aja karena lo cuma fokus sama semua penderitaan lo. Yang mana penderitaan itu mungkin cuma sesaat aja.

Well, gue yakin lo semua udah pernah denger kalo sedih itu gak selamanya dan senang pun gak selamanya. So, be prepared. 

Melihat kesekitar elo. Itu kalimat yang sampe detik ini pun paling sulit untuk gue lakukan. Karena untuk mengerti tentang semua yang ada disekitar lo itu butuh pemikiran yang banyak. Sedangkan manusia sebegitu penuhnya dengan keterbatasannya. 

But, this is life. Kita gak boleh berhenti belajar for a better 'me'. Jadi, kalimat 'melihat kesekitar' itu bener2 diperlukan. Menurut gue sih. Dengan begitu, lo bisa belajar tentang banyak hal dan mengerti tentang banyak hal.

Banyak yang bilang. Be good is enough. Bener. Emang enough. Tpi untuk be good, lo harus tau sekitar lo. Lo harus mengerti diposisi apa lo skg. Be good itu sendiri pun punya syarat. 

Sulit? Menurut gue bukan kesulitannya yang menahan seseorang untuk bisa jdi dirinya yang lebih baik. Tpi tingkat kesabaran, karena be good gak bisa terjadi dalam sehari. Dan jg gak bisa hanya terjadi untuk satu hari. Kita semua maunya pasti be good for forever. 

So, lets take our time. Everybody can be good. We just need to start it today. Pain and fears might a problem on your way. But, if everybody on earth can handle the pain and fears, so why cant we?

Who ever you are out there. I hope we can be our better self. Bless you all.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Aku sayang kamu. Tapi kamu. Ya gitu itu.

Udah lama gak nulis di blog. Kebanyakan pasang2 foto2. Sok ala2 fashoinista yg penuh dusta. Haelaah. Hahaha. Okay2. Kita jangan bahas2 yg gak penting, biar kata ini postingan kayaknya bener2 gak bakal ada gunanya atau efek apapun buat lo semua. But, at least (heak, gaya gue pake bahas inggris segala) yah gue bisa lebih tenang, damai, tentram dan tersenyum kembali. Sorry yah, si penulis blog ini lagi galau..jadi harap maklum aja kalo isinya alay2 lebay2 iyuh2.. hahaha

Kenapa gue bikin postingan ini? Yah karena gue galau keleeuusss. Pengen crita. Siapin tisu kalo lo berhati telenovela sinetron indonesia ya.. gue ditinggal pergi sama orang yg gue sayang. Kalian semua jangan tepok tangan ya pas gue ngomong begitu. Kesianin lah gue yg imut dan baik hati ini. Hahaha. Back to the topic, kita berdua udh berhubungan deket sekitar dua bulan. Dia gak pernah seharipun gak ngabarin. Selalu care. Kalau diinget2 memori bareng dia. Gue bisa nangis lagi men. Tisu mana tisuuu!!!

Cowok yg selalu ngingetin sholat. Hampir tiap hari bareng elo. Gue masih inget sampai detik ini, dia pernah bilang dia sayang sama gue, dia serius sama gue, dia gak akan pernah php-in gue. Then, one day, gue tanya ttg hubungan kita itu sebenernya gimana sih? Kamu mau jadian gak sih sama aku? Lo tau si kampret ini jawab apa? Mau. Mau banget malah. Aku serius. Tapii...nah ini dia nih.. ada tapinya men. Tapi apa iya kamu mau kita jadian disaat aku lagi sibuk kayak gini? Kemudian, dia bilang, sampai aku selesai tes(jgn kepo dan nanya dia tes apaan), kasih aku waktu. Kamu sampai waktu itu jangan berubah ya. Ah, bullshit! Apa buktinya? Fyi aja yah anak gaol seindonesia ini, cowok kampret ini, dia gagal tes! Dan? Dia tanpa alasan apapun, tanpa perkelahian sengit, tanpa masalah, dia tiba2 hilang kabar dan pada saat gue cewek bego, tolol yg sekarang cuma bisa belumuran ingus dimuka gue, nelpon dia sebanyak 7 kali. Gue inget dengan pasti, 7 kali. Dan dia sama sekali gak angkat. Gue sms gak bales, gue bbm jg gak diread. Luar biasa, semua omongannya dia yang udah setinggi langit, semuanya bullshit. Semuanya bohong. Pelajaran aja buat kita semua, siapapun yg baca postingan ini. Banyak banget orang didunia ini yang bisa bohong sama elu. So be aware. Jangan karena dia bertingkah manis ke elo, lo kira dia baik bin malaikat. Waspada itu tetep penting. Jangan jadi kayak gue, yg akhirnya di hari ultah gue sendiri, gue nulis postingan ini dengan amarah yg berkibar2 udah kayak bendera merah putih.

So, akhir cerita, gue dihari ultah gue ini, gue cuma mau bilang. Gue sayang banget sama dia. Tpi dia gak pantes buat gue sayangin..karena ya dia sama sekali gak menghargai perasaan gue. Guys, kalo si doi emang care sama lo, emang sayang sama lo. Dia gak bakal ninggalin lo begitu aja. Dia bakal berusaha bertahan tetep bareng lo, sesusah apapun keadaannya.. setidaknya dia bakal cerita ttg alasan apapun itu yg menghadang hubungan lo. Dan pastinya dia gak bakal gantungin elo, spt gue digantungin sama cowok kampret itu

Overall, gue mau bilang thanks udah hadir dalam hidup gue. Lo udah ngasih feel ke gue yang luar biasa. Yang belum tentu bisa gue dapet saat gue sama orang lain. Gue tetep bersyukur ketemu elu. Yah, this is the moment to say goodbye. Mudah2an hidup gue lebih bahagia daripada elo..hahahaha tetep yah men, gue tetep emosi. Setidaknya setelah postingan ini ter post. Gue bisa lebih lega dan lebih tenang

Harapan gue, ya gue bisa nemu seseorang yg sayang sama gue dan jauh lebih better daripada dia yg udah pernah nyakitin gue. Dan buat dia yang udah pernah nyakitin gue, semoga dapet pasangan yang tidak lebih baik daripada gue. Hahahaha. Wish everybody the best aja

Mudah2an besok gue bisa lebih ceria ngadepin hidup gue yg udah dia teror. Semoga besok, berlimpah kebahagian buat gue. Amiinn.. last but not least.. waspada aja buat kalian2 yg sdg PDKT. Hati2. Banyak orang2 brengsek yg bisa nyakitin kalian..semoga kita semua belajar dari postingan ini utk jadi lebih baik dan teliti. Termasuk gue. Okay, thanks udah mau baca postingan alay iyuh ini. Wish you a very nice day. :)

Friday, 28 February 2014

Revlon super lustrous lipstick Review in Pink Cloud and Pink In the Afternoon

Hello my loves.
Its been a while since i posted a blog post.
how you guys have been doing?
Hope all of you had a wonderful february. xoxo

Today i'm gonna do a review.
And yes its a lipsticks review again.
Because i just so in love with lipstick.
Tell me in the comment, what is your favorite lipstick of february.
I would love to know what is your favorite.

The lipstick that i'm reviewing on is from Revlon.
a got two of them that i gonna review on.

First one,
is the Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Creme in 415 Pink in the afternoon.
Second, is the Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Shine in 801 Pink Cloud.
Both of them came in the same packaging.
A very usuall packaging from revlon. A rounded tube with gold line in the middle with
revlon written on it.
The top of the tube is clear so you can see the colour from outside.
It doesnot have any scent. As you can tell from the pictures,
i used them a lot. Because i love them so much.
Especially the Pink in the afternoon.
I really like the formula, its very creamy, very moisturizing.
in Love with these lipstick.
I used them every single day to work.
They are absolutely amazing.
And they are so affordable. With an amazing quality. what can go wrong with that?
i would love to try another colour from this line.

They are not the most long lasting lipstick but i dont mind re applying them over again.
They stay for quite some time. Approximately for two hours.
They didnt make my lips look dry eventhough i didnt use any lip balm before it.
Which is nice.

here are the swacthes on my hand.
on the right is the pink in the afternoon and on the left is the Pink Cloud.

Here are some pictures of how they look on me. :)

This one is the Pink Cloud.
They kinda similar to the revlon colorburst lipstick in cupcakes.
If you are familiar with that.
And if you want a lipstick with that kind of colour but you want something cheaper?
Go with this one instead.

And these are the pictures of Pink in the afternoon on me.

Thank you for reading dear :)
Have a nice day.

Instagram : cecerika
Twitter : ceceh_rika

Friday, 7 February 2014

OOTD : Floral Dress

Hello sweethearts and happy friday!!
Woohoo. i wish all of us for a fun and blessed friday :)

This is my OOTD.
I am obsessed with this floral dress.
Very girly and sweet.
Very appropriate for valentine's day :)

 I got this dress from forever 21.

thank you for reading.
Love you all. :)


instagram : cecerika
twitter: ceceh_rika

Sunday, 2 February 2014

3 tips to make your eyeshadows/eyeliner stay longer. (OILY EYELIDS PROBLEM)

Good Morning my loves.
Happy Second of February to you all :)

I've doing my research on how to make eyeshadows or eyeliner stay longer,
especially on oily eyelids for probably around 2 to 3 years. Because i have oily eyelids and
just like everybody else, i want my eyeshadows and my eyeliner to stay and not like going
everywhere all over my face.
When your eyeshadows just still creases no matter how much money you spent on
eyeshadows. Or any kind of liner just don't work for you, and you've already
wasting so much money on trying tons of eyeliner and they still creases and go on top
of your lids or under your eye area?
well, sweetheart i have that problems too. And i know how annoying it felt when your eyeliner
just move to places they shouldnot be.

For few years, i've been crazy to find solution for eye makeup to stay in place.
And right now, i have three solutions. Since then, my eye makeup does stay in place.

They are the eye shadows primer.
My recommendation are The urban decay primer potion and the too face shadows insurance.
Both of them do great job of making your shadows not only stay longer in place but
also make your shadows giving more colour pay off.
For me, putting on eyeshadows primer before applying my eyeshadows or eyeliner is a must.
Because with out them, my shadows or liners just creases so badly.

I bought them online, because urban decay and too face are not available in indonesia yet.

The Blot powders. The one that i recommend is from MAC.
I know they are expensive, but when you used them only on your eyelids,
they will last for a great amount of time.
I don't use the MAC blot powder on my face, because
first, the colour doesn't match me (and there are only two colours available in indonesia).
Second, i did use them several times before, and they made me break out.
so i don't really used them on my face.
But for making your shadows stay longer, they does do a great job for that.
You can apply the blot powder before the eyeshadows/eyeliner or after.
To make sure they really stay you can put in before and after applying shadows or liner.

I bought them from SEIBU (in Grand Indonesia Shopping town). Or you can also find them at
Pacific Place and Plaza Senayan (For jakarta - Indonesia only)

These are my recent discovery.
they actually just available in  indonesia. i know its like way too late than other country.
They are the maybeline color tatoo.
If you dont want to spent money on eyeshadows primer or blot powder
because they are pretty expensive, you can try out one of these.
When you put them underneath your eyeshadows or your eyeliner.
They make them stay in place. And also they comes with beautiful colours.
That very wearable for everyday uses.
I got them in bad to the bronze and the Bold Gold.
They are stunning as eyeshadows and they are also very stunning as an eyeshadows primer.
I think they worth of an investment.

Maybeline counters are available in almost every mall in jakarta. They are very easy to find.
In jakarta they only come in 5 shades/colours. In tanjungpinang (sumatra) you can buy it
at a little counter in the Pasaraya 21. (Sorry, Indonesia only, because i stay in Indonesia).
But, you can always buy them online :)

The amazing part is.
They work amazing by themselve to keep the eye makeup stay in place.
But, When i put three of them (eyeshadows primer, maybeline color tatto and the mac blot powder) together. They make an even better staying power. My eye makeup stay all day. :)

I hope these tips can help you all.
thank you for reading my loves.

Instagram : cece_rika
Twitter : ceceh_rika

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Three Months in Jakarta

Hello my lovelies :)
Happy Chinese New Year and also Happy February to all of us! :)
Wish Everyone a blessed year :) xoxo

If you guys already read few of my last posts,
you might know that i've been in jakarta for around 4 years.
and then i move back to my hometown for 10 months.
Then after that i go back to jakarta again to learn about accupuncture.
And thanks to my Alloh, i past the test.
Well, i still have one last test on april.
But for now i back in my hometown again.

I feel very relax. Things are a
little bit easier here than in jakarta.
Because, jakarta is a big old city with full of people.
Too many things had to be done in one time in jakarta.
So i pretty relax now. haha.
I'm starting to get back on my routine here.

Well, right now i wanna share things i've done in jakarta for these last few months.
Sudddenly, after i edited these pictures. I realize how lucky i am.
Having friends beside me everytime i needed them.
I feel very blessed.
in three months i had lots of fun. And also, it was my very first time having
a new year party at jakarta with my friends.
I did attend to two wedding parties.
Blessed them. And hope both couples with tons of happiness :)

Here are those pictures. xoxo

Thanks for reading and hope you guys have a wonderful chinese new year
Happy february :)
and see you all in my next post :)

Instagram : cece_rika
Twitter : ceceh_rika

Sunday, 26 January 2014

OOTD : Blue Polkadot Peplum

Hello my sweethearts.

i just got back from my hom town last week.
meeting a lot of friends, and i had a lot of fun.
Right now, i'm dealing with my accupuncture exams.
tomorrow is the last one.
and i cannot wait for my little party with my bestfriend tomorrow
after i finish my exam.
cant wait for that.
but right now, gotta deal with my last exam.

Okay so today i'm gonna post my OOTD.
actually its my very first peplum that i ever owned.
so here are the pictures of it.

The Peplum shirt and the short jean are from Zara, the handbag from charles and keith and the black flat shoes are from the little things she needs. :)
Hope you enjoy this post. Have a nice weekend, sweethearts. :)

Instagram : cece_rika
twitter : ceceh_rika

Thursday, 9 January 2014

MAC : Rihanna (RIRI) collection lipstick in Who's That Chick's Review.

Hello sweethearts.
How are you all?
I hope all of you are having an awesome week. x

In this post, i'm gonna do another lipstick review.
i know i just did a bobbi brown one. and now i'm doing another lipstick review.
But, because this is a new collection from MAC.
And it is very new to Indonesia, i wanna share it as soon as possible about it.

So here it is, the MAC Riri collection (Rihanna) lipstick in Who's That Chick.
Hahaha. I know the name of the lipstick is very interesting.
Very cute and funny at the same time.

Okay, first of all. Lets take a minute, and look at the packaging.
Oh my gosh, it is so beautiful. Its like a rose gold bullet.
I am in love with this packaging.
This packaging, by far, its my favorite lipstick packaging of all time.
it is so beautiful.
And yes, i'm kinda bought it because of the packaging.
But, the colour of the lipstick also made me wanna have it in my makeup collection. :)
It has a Rihanna sign on the lipstick and also on the packaging of course.

This lipstick actually is my very first MAC lipstick.
I really wanted to try MAC lipstick, because a lot of people already talk about it
but they are kinda expensive for a lipstick.
At the end, i just bought it and really pleased by it.

This lipstick also is the only that i bought from the RIRI collection.

This lipstick has a very interesting colour. Which i dont have in my collection.
Its not just an orange/tangerine or peach, or any usual colour on other lipstick.
its orange. yes. But it has this golden shine. Slightly greenish gold.
Its a very bold colour. So it doesn't go with any eye look.
when i put a lot of eye makeup, this lipstick would be too much for whole make up look.
so, because the colour of the lipstick is very bold, i suggest to be very minimize with the eye makeup look.

The colour of this lipstick is just amazing.
it might not be a colour for everyone. Well, not everybody would like to put this kind of colour on their lips.
But for me, i do like it. I think its very new. Its like an adventurous colour. Because i usually just go with
a natural look, like nude peach or nude pink. This one made a difference for me.
So, if you are like me who is in love with nude lipstick and you wanna go a little bit adventurous on
your lipstick.try out this one.
It can be use for daily basis, but just remember to be aware of the eye makeup look.
because it will make you like a colourfull clown if you are not becareful with it.
or you can just sheer it out. It still look very pretty even when it sheered out.

The lipstick is very creamy. But by time it will kinda dry my lips out. So remember to use a lip balm
before it. we dont want that nasty dryness be invisible right?

The lasting power of the lipstick is very nice. Approximately around 3 to 4 hours.
And when the lipstick is sheering out, it gave a nice tint to the lips.
It also has some scent to it. not an overpowering scent. its like an usuall lipstick scent.
i suggest to give it a sniff before buying it, if you are someone who dont like scented lipstick.

Here are the swatches :) :)

So thats all for my review. 
If you wanna see other beauty products review that i've done,
you can find it in the label part of my blog.
Thank you for reading.
See you on my next post my sweethearts. 

Monday, 6 January 2014

Bobbi Brown Lipstick in Sandwash Pink Review & OOTD

Hi Hi Hi!!
I still cannot believe that 2013 is gone.
Time flies really fast. hohoho
It was a great year.
Let's pray for a better and more amazing things will happen in 2014 for all of us.

In this little post, i'm gonna talk about bobbi brown lipstick and my OOTD.
hope you enjoy reading!

I dont really know the line of the lipstick from bobbi brown, but i think is the rouge a levres one.
i might be wrong though. But, its the one that came in a square packaging.
this bobbi brown lipstick is the very first high end lipstick that i bought.
i have it in my makeup collection for a very long time.
for me the colour is like my lips but better.

The packaging is very chic. Like an usuall lipstick. with black and gold.
pretty simple. nothing really special about the packaging, doesn't mean i dont like it.

now for the colour i got the one in 'sandwash pink'
here are some of the swatches. :)

the lipstick is very creamy, glide on like butter. Its a matte lipstick. It has some scent to it.
not very overwhelming, i dont mind about the scent at all. but if you dont like lipstick with a scent,
before buying it i suggest you to give it a sniff.
the staying power of the lipstick is very good. it stay for few hours. so i didnt re-apply it over and over.
over all, its a very good quality lipstick. it gives a nice hydration to my lips without looking glossy.
so its like, it was my lip colour. which is a plus point for me. it doesnt dry out my lips.
i didnt see a nasty dryness on my lips. But i did moisturise my lips with a lipbalm before i put it on.

Its a very good lipstick for everyday natural look.

okay, now lets move on to the OOTD.
its OOTD of yesterday actually.
yesterday, i meet up with my old buddies. my collage friends.
i havenot meet them for a year. so it was a blast.
i did not have the picture of us, because we didnt take a picture.
probably because wa had so much fun talking, chit chat.
so we forgot to take a picture.
but i was super fun. we ate some asian food at rice bowl.
and then we watch movie, which is the 47 ronin.
nice movie. i like it. you guys should go and watch it. it is about japan history.
there are some magic, monsters, and stuffs like that.
pretty awesome. XD

And last we did had a coffee.
so here are my picture for my OOTD yesterday. :)

i put on a 'SWAG 77' shirt with floral prints from bershka, the jeans short is from zara.

thank you so much for reading.
hope you guys enjoy.
have a nice day!! xoxoxo

instagram : cece_rika
twitter : ceceh_rika

love you,